Horizontal and Vertical Information (Benchmarks)

The Carson City Control Network is a group of monuments (benchmarks) that have known elevations which are the result of 2nd Order Class 2 survey using a Trimble digital level with invar staves. All level loops were adjusted using network least-squares and the mean relative confidence level (95%) is less than .02ft.

This control network is intended to be used by Surveyors and Engineers for the purposes of setting flood design elevations, filling out elevation certificates or other flood related forms.

If you would like to use this service, simply follow these instruction:

You must have Google Earth installed on your computer. If you do, go to the next step; if not, you may download it here: http://earth.google.com

Once you have Google Earth installed and open, download the Carson City Control Network KML file by clicking this link: http://ccapps.org/publicworks/cccontrol.kml

Once downloaded, double click on the KML file; this will open the overlay in Google Earth

When you exit Google Earth you’ll be asked if you want to save or discard the overlay; be sure to save it. Then the information will remain attached to Google Earth and not require any further action

This compressed Keyhole Markup Language (.kml) file allows users to view our map Control Network overlay created for Carson City on Google Earth images.

Information about the system requirements needed for your computer to run the software is available through http://earth.google.com/support. A user guide is available at http://earth.google.com/userguide.